My profile:
ResearcherID: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/N-1196-2015
ScopusID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56271728900
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2708-1325
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rocsana-b-manea-ÈšoniÈ™/
​​​New publications
Cost Action 22140 Improved Knowledge Transfer for Sustainable Insect Breeding – Manager of dissemination process within the project for Romania https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA22140/#tabs+Name:Management%20Committee
Erasmus https://facilitate-ai.eu/ Guidelines for facilitating the learning of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by School Students of Grades 7-12
ERASMUS+, KA203, 2020: Adapting HE to Modernization through a strategic change of Teacher and Governance mind set CEI 2020: MSMEs Network Business Environment for smart working
COST Action Proposal OC-2020-1-24425 (2020): Cross-Agent cooperation networks for circular economy Business Models within European Innovation Ecosystems. https://www.cost.eu/funding/how-to-get-funding/open-call/
Erasmus, Teaching Cyber-marketing, Universidad Catolica San, Antonio, Murcia, 2018
POSDRU ID 134398 Knowledge - http://cempdi.pub.ro/knowledge/?p=229. Cursuri absolvite:
M1: Dezvoltare durabila - Titular de curs: Irena MOCANU
M6: Dezvoltarea competentelor antreprenoriale si manageriale - Titular de curs: Catalin ALEXE
M7: Managementul proiectelor de cercetare - Titular de curs: Nicoleta IGNAT"
POCU/73/6/6/106758 - DIDACTFORM - formator TIC si E-Learning
Short Term Scientific Mission Gender and Well Being, Sassari, Sardegna, Italy (2009)​
Leonardo Da Vinci, Preparing Trainers in the Spirit of a High Quality Educational System Vicenza, Italy (2006)